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January 24, 2024

Software Team Expansion at SynchroGrid


Synchrogrid is thrilled to announce the expansion of our software team with the addition of Carson Hanel, who has joined us as a Scientific Software Engineer III. Carson brings an innovative mindset and a passion for creating real-world improvements to enhance people’s quality of life, making him an asset to our team.

Growing up in the era of personal computers and having early access to the internet, Carson quickly became fascinated with computers, leading him to choose a major in computer science. After growing up in Cameron, Texas, one of the rural communities in the surrounding area, Texas A&M was an obvious choice for Carson. As a culmination of his early interests and hometown, Carson earned his bachelor’s degree in computer science at Texas A&M University, where he is currently furthering his education by pursuing a Ph.D. in computer science.

His interest in the power industry was sparked by identifying areas where novel applications of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and data science can enhance living conditions in various ways for the people of the United States. With the ongoing initiative by the U.S. Department of Energy to modernize the electric grid, Carson is eager to explore methods of using applied algorithms to provide tangible real-world improvements to the quality of life for communities around the globe.

Carson looks forward to the opportunity at SynchroGrid to gain real-world experience solving problems that improve the lives of many people. By improving the reliability of the grid and automating tedious, error-prone processes, Carson’s goal is to improve his ability as a scientist to make real, tangible, positive impacts in his community.

Outside of Carson’s professional life, he enjoys spending time with his wife and taking time to celebrate their life together. Family, laughter, and finding deeper meaning in life are important to him, and providing a better life for his family is the biggest motivator in his day-to-day life. Carson says, “Above all, they are the reason I do what I do.”