Creating Efficiencies

Relay Linking

Using sophisticated software algorithms, SynchroGrid can easily link thousands of relays between short circuit models and relay databases, such as ASPEN OneLiner, ASPEN RDB, and PowerBase. These links keep the model updated and always ready for NERC Compliance studies.

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SynchroGrid’s relay linking service automates the synchronization of relay settings between short circuit models and relay databases, ensuring your systems are always accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with regulatory standards.

Read more about the linking process and how it can benefit you.

Scenario 1.0

Common Operations & Inefficiencies

Scenario 1.0

Common Operations & Inefficiencies

When PowerBase™ and ASPEN are maintained separately without linking:

  • Separate Updates: PowerBase™ and ASPEN are updated independently, often by different teams.
  • Lack of Synchronization: There is no expectation for the two systems to be in sync with each other.
  • Incomplete Information: ASPEN may not always have the latest relay data available in PowerBase™.

Scenario 2.0

Operations Prior to PRC-027

Before conducting a PRC-027 study, your engineering team must ensure ASPEN OneLiner™ is fully updated. This involves the tedious process of downloading all relays from Powerbase™ (or other database) and manually placing them into their correct positions in OneLiner™. Given the vast size of the grid and the differences in nomenclature between Powerbase™  and OneLiner™, doing this manually is often impractical and time-consuming.

Scenario 2.0

Operations Prior to PRC-027

Before conducting a PRC-027 study, your engineering team must ensure ASPEN OneLiner™ is fully updated. This involves the tedious process of downloading all relays from Powerbase™ (or other database) and manually placing them into their correct positions in OneLiner™. Given the vast size of the grid and the differences in nomenclature between Powerbase™  and OneLiner™, doing this manually is often impractical and time-consuming.

By automating this process, SynchroGrid can significantly:

  • Streamline your PRC-027 studies
  • Improve accuracy and efficiency
  • Ultimately ensure better compliance and reliability in grid management

Scenario 3.0

SynchroGrid’s Linking Solution

Scenario 3.0

SynchroGrid’s Linking Solution

By allowing SynchroGrid to create relay links:

  • One Source of Truth Instead of having to manually update both Powerbase and ASPEN Oneliner, once all relays have been linked there is only one source of truth, rather than two varying.
  • In Sync: Once SynchroGrid links all of your relays, ASPEN OneLiner should always be perfectly in sync with Powerbase.
  • Ready to Go: With all relays linked, your engineering team is now ready to go for any type of study needed, no tedious pre-processing necessary!